HEC’s Schools Team set out with a conference vision to bring together school leaders, families, students, and community-based organizations to collectively examine the wellness barriers that students face.
This year’s online summit, “Harmony and Health: Fueling the Future with Wellness” featured sessions on the trends shaping schools, implementing schoolwide physical activity initiatives, and inspiring kids to eat their veggies. The three one-hour long interactive discussions featured the Food Literacy Center, Dairy Council of California, CATCH Global Foundation. To accommodate educators, sessions were held after students were released from school.
Following the summit, participants reported that they will use the sessions to encourage their family and students to eat healthier meals, introduce the recipes in their classrooms, and share resources with others who work with youth.
Past Summits have examined the connections between food and mood, reducing burnout, and inspiring youth to make healthy food choices. “By using feedback from the school community, we identify pressing challenges and develop workshops featuring experts to facilitate dynamic conversations rooted in solutions and collaboration” added Hibatallah Eltahir, MPH HEC Program Administrator.
Individuals interested in the topics covered during summits should consider joining the School Partners committee. For more information about the School Partners Committee contact Hibatallah Eltahir at heltahir@healthedcouncil.org.