Safety, Health, Opportunity and Practice (SHOP)

SHOP was created to serve as a community resource aiming to improve academic outcomes, increase access to public health and social services, reduce disparities, increase communication and build resilience, and reduce negative encounters with law enforcement in distressed neighborhoods.
Youth learn communication skills, anger management techniques, health and nutrition, and stress reduction/coping mechanisms.
SHOP is an 8-week program.
Are you interested in joining SHOP?
Youth and young adults ages 12-24 in the Sacramento and Yolo Counties who have been directly affected by untreated mental illness, violence, poverty, homelessness, incarceration, or school failure are highly encouraged to apply. We are currently not accepting applications, but by completing this brief form, you will be notified when we begin to accept submissions again.
For more information contact our team at
Now Accepting Applications for Youth Violence Prevention Commissioners!
The mission of Sacramento Youth Violence Prevention is to prevent youth violence by creating a true web of support for youth in Sacramento. Member organizations representing law enforcement, public health, education, health care and community organizations work to achieve documented improvements in criminal justice, health, and education outcomes among minority youth in Sacramento.
To learn more about the position, please click below.
To apply or nominate someone for this position, please fill out the Google Form.