Social Connection at a Glance

The Social Connection team currently administers Peers Helping Peers, Facilitadores Comunitarios, Walk With Friends, and Mente Sana Vida Sana.
Peers Helping Peers: Peers Helping Peers is a CAL MHSA funded program aimed to reduce mental health stigma and improve mental wellness for youth and young adults (16-26) as well as Spanish-speaking adults in Sacramento County.
Facilitadores Comunitarios: Facilitadores Comunitarios follows the same curriculum as Peers Helping Peers by is administered entirely in Spanish.
Walk With Friends: Walk with Friends is a community-centered network of walking groups across Sacramento designed to increasing active living and social connection among residents by utilizing their local parks and walking trails.
Mente Sana, Vida Sana: The Health Education Council collaborates with the Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento to provide preventative mental health services and navigation assistance.
Free Community Cooking Classes: The Social Connection team recently launched a free five-week cooking series for community members. The classes being held at our office are offered every Thursday from August 8th through September 6th from 11:00am-12:30pm. The induction stovetops used for the classes were made possible by funding awarded to HEC through the SMUD Shine Award. HEC is a proud recipient of SMUD's 2023-24 Shine Award.
To learn more about the benefits of induction stovetops, click here.

Contact Information
Lupita Rodriguez, Program Director: