Since 2021, HEC has partnered with UC Davis Health's Center for Reducing Health Disparities to administer MOVE IT UP (Mobilizing Organizations Via the Equitable Integration of Testing - Treatment through Unified Partnerships) program. The initiative was designed to increase access to COVID vaccinations, testing, and treatment for historically underserved communities, with a focus on Latinos and Latino farmworkers.
During phase 1 of the program, HEC supported more than 6,000 residents receive a COVID vaccine. In phase 2 our team assisted with more than 6,000 residents receiving a COVID test and treatment sources if needed. For both phases of the program, HEC staff provided outreach, education, and translation services for residents during both phases of the program. Staff also used clinics as an opportunity to provide referral support for other needs such as food security, low-cost medical care, and other health and social support services.
Program Administrator Michaella Crane added, “The Move It Up project not only brought COVID vaccines and testing to communities who were underserved and often lacked transportation to health facilities, but also allowed us to connect these populations with wraparound services. The clinics were opportunities for us to bring culturally relevant health education and connect folks with other services in their area.”