On March 1, 2024, HEC convened the 5th Invest Health Breakfast, welcoming over 100 participants to receive an update of Invest Health Roseville’s journey, milestones and accomplishments to improve community health. The focus of this year’s breakfast program was economic development and workforce data that can inform strategies, programs and evaluation. Samantha Breslin, Program Supervisor from NYU City Health Dashboard presented key data metrics for workforce, health and quality of life displaying citywide and neighborhood level data and their disparities. This was followed by an economic development and workforce development panel presentation of local leaders further discussing workforce shortages and opportunities, partnerships existing and needed, initiatives underway and planned and the connection between health outcomes and workforce development efforts in the region.
Adrian Guerrero, Vice President, Union Pacific facilitated the panel of local experts including Melissa Anguiano, Economic Development Director, City of Roseville; Amy Schulz, Dean of Career, Continuing & Technical Education, Sierra College; and Gloria Sterns, Economic Development Director, Placer County. Panelists agreed on the importance of developing comprehensive workforce development strategies, the opportunity for expanded partnerships, discussed the approaches they have implemented and upcoming initiatives in the pipeline underway by their respective organizations.
Thank you to our event sponsors; Kaiser Permanente, Sutter Health, Placer County Air Pollution Control District; and the Invest Health Roseville core team; Carol Garcia, Bonnie Gore, Debra Oto-Kent, Aldo Pineschi, Mark Wolinski, and Gina McColl. Thank you also to many of our Invest Health partners, residents and organizations who have been engaged in Invest Health since 2016. Your engagement is having a positive impact on community health.
The Health Education Council has served as the backbone and convening organization for Invest Health Roseville since 2016 convening residents, city and county leadership, business, non-profits, education, health care and others with a goal of improving health outcomes for Roseville’s core neighborhoods. What started as a $60,000 investment from Invest Health has evolved into over $11 million in investments from public and private partners.
To learn more about Invest Health Roseville visit bit.ly/Invest-Health-Roseville . Learn more about the national Invest Health network by visiting investhealth.org.