While embarking on the journey of creating a business, it’s crucial that people prioritize their mental well-being, especially young people. Mindful Hustle brought together transitional aged youth, 16-24 years old and organizations that support youth’s mental wellness, including Health Education Council. Community Health Leaders Taejon King and Edgar Yanez and Communications Coordinator Ruben Moodyshared resources from Cal HOPE, a platform of free mental wellness resources and services, as well as more information about the programs that HEC leads to support youth.
The event was kicked off by a student who participated in our Safety, Health, Opportunity and Practice (SHOP) program last summer. Yanez added, “It was an amazing feeling to see one of the students we work with confidently stepping into his element as a leader. He became a leader right in front of us.” King and Yanez also presented to attendees, approximately 100 people, about the services and programs available to youth at no-cost.
Attendees were thrilled to learn about Cal HOPE as many of them are constantly seeking resources for themselves and community members. Upon learning about SHOP, one of our flagship programs, many were impressed that a 6-week program could as comprehensive and as effective as it is and were interested in participating and eager to share it with youth in their networks.
In closing, King added, “It was empowering to meet so many driven young men and women that are actively seeking opportunities, mentorship, and community. They reinforced my "why" and proved to me that that our efforts to positively impact the youth in our community are not only necessary but effective.” To learn more about Cal HOPE, please visit calhope.org.