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HEC Launches Workshops for Low-Income Apartment Communities

Imagine you arrive home after running errands or need a productive midday activity. That’s what the Health Education Council is providing to residents who live at 6 apartment communities that are managed by the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA). Each month features a different theme, including nutrition, physical activity, and arts and crafts. “Two of the locations are senior living communities, while the other four sites are for families, so we’re facilitating the activities for residents from 5 years old up to folks in their 60s and 70s” added Program Coordinator Sal Sanneh.

The first of its kind partnership for HEC puts us in a unique position to host the activities in collaboration with SHRA, while also becoming a trusted source of information for the residents. To better understand the interests and challenges that the residents have, our team attends the monthly housing association meetings at each site and regularly communicates with SHRA. “There was a mom of four children who had been looking for resources to help her better address the mental wellness and nutrition challenges that her family experiences. We were able to get her information that she said helped her family out tremendously”, commented Sanneh. He added that he is sure to check-in with her on a regular basis to see if there are any other resources that we could provide.

As more people see and hear about the workshops, more residents are joining them, while others who are unable to attend are comfortable speaking to our team. “I am eager to continue building rapport with residents and SHRA and bringing residents the resources and assistance that they need” Sanneh said in closing. The workshops are on-going at the six housing locations throughout the City of Sacramento. 

To learn more about the HEC facilitated workshops and other SHRA offerings, visit