Walk with Friends, our weekly walking groups held at various parks throughout Sacramento and Yolo counties, continued through the cold, rainy months through partnerships with local schools. Two groups held at Robla Park and Elkhorn Park regularly draw between 50-60 people during the sunny and warmer months and thanks to partnerships with Taylor Street and Elkhorn Village elementary schools, we are able to retain many of the participants through the fall and winter months.
The two school sites welcome us to use their multipurpose rooms to host the programs each week, which includes a physical activity lesson, socializing, and a bag of fresh produce provided at no-cost. There are often workshops provided in English, Spanish, Farsi, and Russian focused on topics including personal finances, healthy eating, and diabetes prevention.
The group continues to welcome over 30 residents each week with new participants also joining us. Program Assistant Monserrat Peralta who leads the program at both sites commented, “During the colder months people often deal with more stress and aren’t as physically active, so I am glad that HEC provides a space for them to exercise and build community.” HEC works to ensure that health is a year around topic and priority for the underserved populations that we serve. In March or April, the groups will likely head back outdoors, however it’s assuring to the residents that they can prioritize their health throughout the year with our support. “I like being able to still exercise and see my friends and it’s just down the street from where I live” said one participant from our Robla Park group.