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Conflict Mediation: Two Part Series (Day #1)

Friday, November 1, 2019
1:00 pm5:00 pm
The Serna Center - 5735 47th Ave, Sacramento, CA 95824

Conflict Mediation: Two, Half-Day Workshops

This workshop is held on two separate days - November 1 and November 6. Please do not register unless you are able to attend both dates.

Friday, November 1, 2019
Wednesday, November 6th
The Serna Center-- 5735 47th Ave, Sacramento, CA 95824

Community mediation is a process in which trained, impartial volunteer mediators help participants communicate their concerns to each other, clarify options for resolution, and develop mutually acceptable solutions. Community mediation is voluntary, confidential, neutral, and less time-consuming and expensive than litigation and arbitration.

Big Thank You to the Yolo Conflict Resolution Center for agreeing to facilitate these workshops!