Improving health outcomes in under-served neighborhoods by empowering the people in them to create the solutions they need most.
The Health Education Council exists to improve health outcomes in under-served neighborhoods by empowering the people in them to create the solutions they need most.
HEC Supports:
* Health Access.
* Social Connection.
* Economic Well-being.
* Community Safety.
* Wellness Education. -
HEC believes that cross-sector collaboration and support can produce better health outcomes and diminish disparities.
HEC leverages the power of collaboration to improve health outcomes in under-served communities. -
In our work and on our teams, we value:
* Collaboration. We leverage the power of connection and engagement.
* Diversity. We invite a variety of voices to the table.
* Empowerment. We seek out and support community-led ideas.
* Equity. We create inclusive, accessible, and effective solutions.
* Trust. We build and nurture authentic relationships.

Participant in HEC's Support Group for Afghan Women
"Thank you, HEC, for coming to our place to hear what we need and want. At last, people can hear us and be our voice."
HEC in the Community
When it comes to impact, serving residents in under-served neighborhoods is our top priority. Working together, the Health Education Council, residents, law enforcement, public health, education, health care, and community organizations develop solutions tailored to a community’s specific needs. HEC serves as convener and backbone support for a variety of collective impact initiatives to improve health.
People Helped
Hours Mentoring Youth
Pounds of Food Distributed
Recent News